Unity Game Jam

Chicken Chaser was a game developed with many other people in a 36 hour HOGJam game jam in Seattle, WA. The theme of this game jam was "Chicken." Chicken chaser is a four player competitive party game. There is a chicken coop in the center of the map that spawns chickens. These chickens move randomly in the protected, center area for a limited time before exiting and dashing for the safety outside the reach of the farmers. Once they leave the players compete to grab the chickens and throw them into their individual chicken pen. Players can also punch other players causing them to drop any held chickens and be unable to move (indicated with a green tint) for a short time. The first player to 10 chickens wins.

This project was developed using the Unity game engine and the C# language. For this game jam my role was to create the logic for the chicken AI.